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Suitable for organic farming

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Additional information

Weight 25 kg
Pack Size


Product Info


110 g/kg Calcium (Ca)

64 g/kg Magnesium (Mg)

Neutralizing value > 28

70 g/kg Nitrogen (N)

97 g/kg Sulphur (S)


Microbiological complex

Bacillus spp > 1.104 CFU/kg

Trichoderma spp > 1.104 CFU/kg

Azotobacter spp > 1.104 CFU/kg

Coniothyrium spp > 1.104 CFU/kg



Bulk / bag 500 – 1 ton

25 – 50 kg

Density: 1,05


Directions for use

As part of a bulk blend: 10% of total blend per hectare.

As a single product: 200-250kg per hectare should be spread widely.


For crop-specific recommendations, contact us today.