Choose Calkonutrium® for the nourishing support of beneficial micro-organisms in your soil. Calkonutrium® can be added to any of our fertilisers.
Calkonutrium® contains two microbial species Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens and Trichoderma Asperellum. Calkonutrium® + has one extra species: Aztobacter.
Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens
Rhizome bacteria with a strong plant root symbiotic relationship. It produces the enzyme amylase which turns starch into sugars. It quickly colonises the plant root zone. Its main function is the production of an antibiotic called Plantazolicin. This is effective in killing or inhibiting the following microbes:
- Ralstonia, which causes wilt in tobacco, tomatoes, and peppers.
- Pythium, which is responsible for root rot, and can’t be destroyed by crop rotation.
- Rhizoctonia, which attacks the roots of seedlings, causes turfgrass disease, bare patches in cereal crops, and crown rot in beetroots.
- Alternaria, a fungus that affects a huge array of plants, including tomatoes, grapevines, strawberries, and cereal crops.
- Fusarium, which attacks wheat crops and banana plantations through root rot and seedling blight.
Trichoderma Asperellum
A fungus that lives within the plant in a symbiotic relationship. It is found worldwide, grows rapidly and prefers high temperatures. It enhances plant growth and resilience by increasing uptake of phosphorus, atmospheric Nitrogen and buffering plants against salt stress, drought and poor soils.
It acts as an insecticide and herbivory by producing secondary metabolites that make plants
unappetizing or toxic. It is very susceptible to destruction by fungicides and chemical fertilizers.
A very important nitrogen-fixing bacteria that forms strong-walled nodules on the plants’ roots. It requires well-aerated soils at a pH of 7-7.5 and a temperature around 20-30°C. It facilitates mobility of toxic heavy metals and produces 0.01mg of Nitrogen per gram of glucose consumed. It is a hardy bacteria that can survive in a cyst form for up to 24 years.
Calkonutrium® + Liquid WS
CALKONUTRIUM Liquid (powder form) + is a premix to be mixed in liquid fertilisers. The incorporation rate is 10%.
The wettable powder is to be used alone, in the ferti-irrigation network (drip type), at a dose of 2 kg / hectare. ??
You can do both uses (alone or mixed). When mixed, just check that the pH of the solution is not too acid (below 6 to 6.5)
These 2 products above contain microorganisms, microelements, sugar and amino acids. They are fert supplements that will have the following effects :
- Increasing the development of the roots system.
- Increasing absorption of nutriments by the crops. High level of mineralization of the nutriments (espacially the P2O5, but not only).
- Hygienisation of roots environment against some deseases (fusarium, rhizoctonia, pythium, cercospora, sclerotinia…).
- Increasing the transformation of fresh organic matters into humus and so, increasing of the fertility of the soil.
- Buffering the surface pH and by this, increasing the absorption of the nutriments.
- Nitrogen in the air fixing and providing to plants.