Biological Range

Calkonutrium® Range

Choose Calkonutrium® for the nourishing support of beneficial micro-organisms in your soil Calkonutrium® can be added to any of our fertilizers or it can be used as a single fertilizer.

The Calkonutrium Range contains all 4 micro’s, two Fungi and two Bacteria, namely Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Trichoderma Asperellum, Azotobacter, and Coniothyrium.

Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens

Rhizome bacteria with a strong plant root symbiotic relationship. It produces the enzyme amylase which turns starch into sugars. It quickly colonises the plant root zone. Its main function is the production of an antibiotic called Plantazolicin. This is effective in killing or inhibiting the following microbes:

  • Ralstonia, which causes wilt in tobacco, tomatoes, and peppers.
  • Pythium, which is responsible for root rot, and can’t be destroyed by crop rotation.
  • Rhizoctonia, which attacks the roots of seedlings, causes turfgrass disease, bare patches in cereal crops, and crown rot in beetroots.
  • Alternaria, a fungus that affects a huge array of plants, including tomatoes, grapevines, strawberries, and cereal crops.
  • Fusarium, which attacks wheat crops and banana plantations through root rot and seedling blight.

Trichoderma Asperellum

A fungus that lives within the plant in a symbiotic relationship. It is found worldwide, grows rapidly and prefers high temperatures. It enhances plant growth and resilience by increasing uptake of phosphorus, atmospheric Nitrogen and buffering plants against salt stress, drought and poor soils.

It acts as an insecticide and herbivory by producing secondary metabolites that make plants

unappetizing or toxic. It is very susceptible to destruction by fungicides and chemical fertilizers.


A very important nitrogen-fixing bacteria that forms strong-walled nodules on the plants’ roots. It requires well-aerated soils at a pH of 7-7.5 and a temperature around 20-30°C. It facilitates mobility of toxic heavy metals and produces 0.01mg of Nitrogen per gram of glucose consumed. It is a hardy bacterium that can survive in a cyst form for up to 24 years.

Coniothyrium minitans CON/M/91-08 (028836)

Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 is a naturally occurring strain of Coniothyrium fungi used to treat soil to control the common plant pathogens, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor, which cause white mold, pink rot, and water soft rot. Based on available information, C. minitans strain CON/M/91-08 appears to have no adverse effects on humans or the environment.

  1. Regulatory Information 

Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08. was registered (licensed for sale) in March, 2001.

One product, Contans7 WG , was registered at the same time.

  1. The Active Ingredient 

Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 is a naturally occurring soil microorganism.
C. minitans attacks certain structures (sclerotia) of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor, two fungi that cause plant diseases. Both growth and germination of C. minitans strain CON/M/91-08 are temperature dependent, and its optimum sporulation occurs at 25 to 30E C (77-86E F).

  1. Use Sites, Target Pests, and Application Methods 
  • Use Sites: Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 is approved for treatment of agricultural soil.
  • Target Pests: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor, the fungi which produce the plant diseases commonly known as white mold, pink rot, and water soft rot.
  • Application Methods: The single registered product as of March 2001, Contans7 WG, is diluted in water and applied as a spray to the soil, followed by mechanical mixing into the first one to two inches of the topsoil layer. The product is applied after harvest or 3 to 4 months before the typical onset of disease, so that it can reduce the number of target pests available to later attack the crop. The product is less effective at temperatures above 30 E C.
    1. Assessing Risks to the Environment

    Available studies show that no adverse environmental effects are expected when products containing Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 are used in accordance with label instructions. Coniothyrium minitans has not been reported in public literature to infect any organism other than ScIerottnia and occasionally several other closely related fungi. In addition, exposure of birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates, and honey bees to Contans7 WG is anticipated to be minimal because the product is incorporated into soil.

III. Assessing Risks to Human Health

No harmful health effects to humans are expected from use of Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08. Appropriate tests found no evidence that the fungus is toxic to humans. No toxicological or pathogenic effects of C. minitans in mammals have been reported in available public literature or in the submitted data. In addition, certain biological characteristics of C. minitans strain CON/M/91-08, which include its temperature requirements for germination and growth (lower than human body temperature), and its dependence on Sclerotinia as a host, are further indications that this microbial pest control agent would not be pathogenic to mammals.

The benefits of Coniothyrium spp. include:

  • Organic matter recycling as Fresh Organic Matter is turned into humus.
  • Increased soil fertility as nutriments of the Clay Humus Complex are stored.
  • Enhanced soil structure.
  • Reduction of abiotic stress-related to drought, disease pressure, and so forth.

In Calkonutrium+, Coniothyrium spp. helps enable:

  • More soil aggregates.
  • More life in soil.
  • More soil volume prospected by the plants’ roots.
  • Better soil structure overall.

Calkonutrium® + TBAC


  • 2-4mm Granules
  • 110 g/kg Calcium (Ca)
  • 64 g/kg Magnesium (Mg)
  • 70 g/kg Nitrogen (N) * Ammoniacal form
  • 97 g/kg Sulphur (S) * Water soluble
  • Neutralizing value > 28

 Microbiological complex

  • Bacillus spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Trichoderma spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Azotobacter spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Coniothyrium spp > 1.104 CFU/kg


  • Bulk / Bag 500 – 1 Ton
  • 25 – 50 kg
  • Density: 1,05

Directions for use

  • As part of a bulk blend: 10% of total blend per hectare, minimum of 25kg per hector apply in farrow close to seed. Plus, up to 100kg per hectare on higher-value crops.
  • As a single product: 200-250kg per hectare should be broadcasted and incorporated into the soil.
  • For crop-specific recommendations, contact us today.
calkonutrium +tbac product image with micro organisms on the cover

Calkonutrium® + Bio

calkonutrium bio + product image with micro organisms on the cover


  • 2-4mm Granules
  • 158 g/kg Calcium (Ca)
  • 89 g/kg Magnesium (Mg)
  • 81 g/kg Sulphur (S)
  • Neutralizing value > 35

 Microbiological complex

  • Bacillus spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Trichoderma spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Azotobacter spp > 1.104 CFU/kg
  • Coniothyrium spp > 1.104 CFU/kg


  • Bulk / Bag 500 – 1 Ton
  • 25 – 50 kg
  • Density: 1,05

Directions for use

  • As part of a bulk blend: 10% of total blend per hectare, minimum of 25kg per hector apply in farrow close to seed. Plus, up to 100kg per hectare on higher value crops.
  • As a single product: 200-250kg per hectare should be broadcasted and incorporated into the soil.
  • For crop-specific recommendations, contact us today.

Calkonutrium® Liq+

CALKONUTRIUM LIQ + is a foliar bio stimulant, to be used as a spray, either mixed with pesticides (fungicides and insecticides) or trace elements, at a dose of 0.5 to 1 L per hectare, or alone, at a dose of 2 to 3 kg / hectare. The water supply must be a minimum of 150 L per hectare.

This product is a bio stimulant. It contents microelements, amino acids, sugar and will have the following effects:

  • Increasing the metabolism of the plants (enrich the down sap).
  • Feed the root system with sugar, polypeptides and microelements = supplying « food » to the beneficial microbiological life in the soil. (pump effect).
  • Helps the foliar microelements to penetrate the leaves and increase the systemic effects of foliar fertilizer.


Fertilising complex

  • This unique complex is made up of calcium, micro-nutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn, B, Mo, Fe), and amino acids (Glycine, Arginine, Alanine, Proline, and Methionine).


  • 153 g/Kg Nitrogen (N)
  • 53,8 g/Kg Calcium (Ca)
  • 0,6 g/Kg Magnesium (Mg)
  • 0,1 g/Kg Copper (Cu)
  • 0,1 g/Kg Boron (B)
  • 0,1 g/Kg Molybdenum (Mo)
  • 0,1 g/Kg Zinc (Zn)
  • 0,3 g/Kg Manganese (Mn)
  • 0,2 g/Kg Humic acid
  • 0,2 g/Kg Fulvic acid



  • Density: 1,13


Directions for use

  • Foliar application: 1 to 3 litres/ha and by application, with a minimum of 150L of water per hectare.
  • Calkonutrium® Liquid can be used together with most fungicides. We recommend you prepare a sample mixture before use nevertheless.
  • For crop-specific recommendations, contact us today.
calkonutrium liq + product image

Calkonutrium® + Flowable Powder

CALKONUTRIUM Flowable Powder + is water soluble premix for high value crops and is an high concentrate of micro-organism.

The water-soluble powder can be used as a stand-alone product, in the fertilizers -irrigation network as a drip type or micro sprayer type, at a dose of 2 kg per hectare.

The product can also be applied and mixed with other nutrients, please assure that the pH of the solution is not too acidic (not below 6 to 6.5), as a low ph can harm the micro-organisms.


This product contains microorganisms, microelements, sugar and amino acids.

They are fertilizers supplements that will have the following effects:

  • Increase the development of the roots system.
  • Increase absorption of nutriments by crops. High level of mineralization of the nutriments (especially the P – Phosphate, but not only).
  • Hygienisation of roots environment against some diseases (fusarium, rhizoctonia, Pythium, cercospora, sclerotinia…).
  • Increase the transformation of fresh organic matters into humus and so, increasing of the fertility of the soil.
  • Buffering the surface pH and by this, increasing the absorption of the nutriments.
  • Nitrogen in the air fixing and providing to plants.


  • 210 g/Kg Nitrogen (N) * Ammonuacal form
  • 240 g/Kg Magnesium (S) * Water Soluble

Microbiological complex

  • Bacillus spp > min. 2 x 10 exp7 FCU/ T
  • Azotobacter spp > min. 2 x 10 exp7 FCU/ T
  • Trichoderma spp > min. 2 x 10 exp7 FCU/ T
  • Coniothyrium spp > min. 2 x 10 exp7 FCU/ T

Directions for use

  • 2 to 5kg / 100 to 200L of water / ha
  • Calkonutrium® + (Flowable Powder) can be used for organic certified farming!

For crop-specific recommendations, contact us today.


This product is suitable for all kinds of crops; especially vegetables; fruits: corn, cotton, etc.. can be applied to all kinds of irrigation methods, Foliar, drip irrigation, flood irrigation, hole fertilization, broadcast fertilization aid surface irrigation, etc.

  • Only available in 20kg bags


ZTDH -Fulvic Acid Original Powder, ZTDH -Polymeric Acid Substance (PAS) ZION-Molasses, Fermentation Soluble (CMS), ZTDH -Polyaspartic Acid (PASP), ZTDH -Ploy Glutarnic Acid (PGA), ZTDH -Rooting Powder, ZTDH -Bacillus cereus>0.192 CFU/kg, ZTDH -Bacillus subtilis>0.132 CFU/kg, Specially added: EDTA-Ca, EDTA-Fe, EDTA-Zn, ZTDH-B

N 15%
P 1.1%
K 4.2%
S 18.7%
Mg 0.6%
ZTDH -Fulvic Acid Original Powder
ZTDH -Polymeric Acid Substance (PAS)
ZION-Molasses Fermentation Soluble (CMS)
ZTDH -Polyaspartic Acid (PASP)
ZTDH -Ploy Glutarnic Acid (PGA)
ZTDH -Rooting Powder
ZTDH -Bacillus cereus >0.192 CFU/kg
ZTDH -Bacillus subtilis >0.132 CFU/kg
Specially added Micro Nutrients:


  1. Nitrogen-conserving, phosphorus absorption promotion and potassium supplement
  2. Improvement of absorption and utilization of crops
  3. Root grow and strengthening
  4. Flower retention and fruit growth acceleration
  5. Balance of PH value in soil
  6. Disease resistance and premature senescence resistance

Directions for use

Crops Drip irrigation/Foliar Flood irrigation
Fruits: Apple, grape, peach, pear, orange, mango, lemon, etc. 5Kg-10Kg/400Ltr water for foliar spray 120kg–180kg/acre
Fruit vegetables: tomato, eggplant, pepper, cucumber, etc. 3Kg-5Kg/150Ltr water 60kg–120kg/acre
Or as per requirement of crop
Tubers crops: Garlic, onion, ginger, potatoes, etc. 1.5Kg-4Kg/100Ltr water 60kg–120kg/acre
Or as per requirement of crop
Wheat, corn, cotton, rice, etc. 2-5Kg/150Ltr water 50kg–100kg/acre
Or as per requirement of crop

The application rates should only be seen as general recommendations and can vary under local conditions.


Saturated solution – 1kg of Cocoly in 3 liters of water. Recommended solution 1 kg of Cocoly in 10 liters of water. Solibility will depend on water temperature and water quality. For all other applications, follow instruction in the table.

Warnings and precautions for use

This product is safe while mixed and applied with neutral & acidic chemicals or other fertilizers; avoid application in rainy or in blazing sunshine. Store in dry places. Keep out of reach of children; only use for Agricultural.

detailed image with the different micro organisms that are found in soil